Sketching for non-artists
Feel the freedom to express yourself
Study the nature -
or anything else
See and notice more
Understand and appreciate - increasingly
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Many people do not appreciate sketching and how powerful sketching can be. While I have learnt many things by sketching, be it identification of rocks, plants or minerals, I see many people do not sketch.
Sketching here is not for art, it is meant for regular people like you and me.
Its purpose is to find the form of the item, think about how does this leaf or any other object look like, really.
Be doing this, we observe the object, we think about it, and try to trace what we think on paper.
It is said that the eye-hand connection is very powerful. However, just by observing something so very intently, we familiarize ourselves with it, and so realize more details.
And so we remember better, we understand better, and perhaps, we love better.

2. Choose the item to be sketched.
1. Examine the general view.

3. Sketch it !
The idea is to be fast, and not try to produce a photographic image. This is sketching, sketching in order to understand the general shape.

Here will be a sample video.
This is a work in progress, and will be upgraded soon!
Here we tell our story, and how we got into the sketching.
Finding and appreciating sketching is for everybody. Here, however, we focus on the useful aspect of it, and how sketching can be helpful to us.
Our purpose is to encourage, and to give tips how to start and continue sketching.
We will have simple and easy tasks to guide us and experience the fun of sketching.
Image from the Corriganville Formation, Lower Devonian, Pa, USA, from Michal's thesis work.
Sketch recent.
The sketch follows loosely geological conventions, showing fossils, and type of rocks. So you would know where you have fine-grained limestone with fossils, shale, and chert (flint).